You could say he takes the coins because the gesture reveals his own helplessness,
an inability to resist exchange. But if something is beyond our grasp, utterly,
then one must sell it: do you understand? Simply to communicate, in an ironic
fashion, to the person who desires to buy, how impossible it is.
Just as the Indians sold their land lightly, crying that the air and the
land are incapable of being owned: selling to show the futility of the gesture:
they were not childish but incredulous, desiring
to share this sense of air, invulnerability. They do not understand that
the land is invulnerable but that they themselves are being swapped. They
are not airy, resistant to disease or sorrow, beyond the grasp of slavery.
So who is guilty? The air which will not reveal itself? The Christ who refuses
to escape?
We are too in love with miracles.
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